Last Friday, I finally was able to make the 4 ½ (ish) hour drive south to my new home in Mbarara, Uganda! Along the way, I was blessed with some memorable moments.
First off, to get to Mbarara you have to cross the equator! So, to any of you who watched the movie A Walk to Remember and fell in love with Shane West when he took Mandy Moore to the state line so that she could fulfill her bucket list goal of being in “two places at one time”, I did it! Except I happened to be in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the same time!
A few hours following that we entered an area where I’d heard rumors that it was possible to sight zebras along the way, and much to my delight, we did! Our driver had quite the eye and was able to spot them even though they were hardly visible from the road. Luckily, zebras are pretty calm animals (that’s what they told me anyway), and we were able to get out of the vehicle and go have a closer look!
Although I have wonderful memories from Kampala and the trek down to Mbarara, it is so good to be settled. Carolyn and I moved into our house on Sunday and have been enjoying the task of making it our own. When you look at the pictures down below, please don’t mistake that I really am in Africa. I’m extremely blessed to be able to live in such a beautiful compound during my year here.
One of the many perks in this beautiful compound is the basketball hoop in the driveway. I haven’t told my brother Levi yet, but this is fair warning that I’ve already been practicing my jump shot. When I come back in a year, he better be ready to face a new and improved basketball player here!
I think I’ve already briefly mentioned this, but as of right now, power is kind of hit and miss. I don’t really understand the whole situation, but what I do know is that sometimes the light switches work and sometimes they don’t. Last night, they didn’t. While Carolyn and I managed to buy lanterns, with a lot of help from our team leader, Jill, we forgot to pick up the kerosene. It was a funny moment when I mentioned to Carolyn how excited I was to write a letter with only light shining from the lantern and we both realized that wouldn’t be happening. It turned out even better though, when I took a blast to the past, and wrote my letter by candlelight. I’m fulfilling years’ worth of daydreams here people!
Time has always fascinated me, but as of lately, it’s become an even more interesting concept to me. I truly can’t fathom it and have stopped trying to understand how it works, especially in a new culture. It seems to me that just when you think you have it down, you figure out you don’t. Anyway, my days are a mixture of slow and go. I really don’t have a set schedule yet, which has been so amazing to just enjoy my quiet times of reading and resting. However, I’ve found that the quiet times have been much needed because when we are out and about it just so quickly drains me! The amount I have to learn is just overwhelming so I guess it’s a very good thing I’ve committed myself to being a life-long learner.
One thing that has been heavy on my heart lately is how valuable our time here on earth is. Nowhere, have I found, in the Bible does God guarantee us tomorrow. So what does that mean for us today? It means that we are not to live in fear, but to live in boldness. To live a life worthy of the calling we have received (Ephesians 4:1) everyday.
It is so straightforward in the Bible.
“Therefore, GO and MAKE DISCIPLES of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
Whether, I am in Uganda or Nebraska or anywhere else on the face of the earth, I pray my life reflects that and yours too. What else are we living for, but to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and to make disciples of Him? Is there anything more worthy of living for than that? Regardless of skin, occupation, social class, location, nationality, reputation… anything, we are all broken and lost without a Savior. Everyone needs Jesus.