Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Lord's our Rock, in Him we Hide.

“David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam.” 1 Samuel 22:1

It was a place David fled for refuge. 

“During harvest time, three of the thirty chief warriors came down to
 David at the cave of Adullam...
At that time David was in the stronghold, and the Philistine garrison was at Bethlehem…” 2 Samuel 23:13-14

It was a place where the LORD was David's refuge.

"Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me..." Psalm 7:1

The word "refuge" has been a word on my heart for a few years because it has been associated with an idea and dream that I've had. Today, I was introduced to a refuge that was different from the refuge associated with my other dreams. I don't know what it is about this word or if anything will ever come to pass with it in my life, but I find it so intriguing that it keeps circulating through my life in the forms of hopes and dreams. While the hopes and dreams are different, the purposes of these dreams aren't. Because when I think of the word refuge, I think of a place of safety, comfort, encouragement, and love and that's what these dreams all consist of

Today I went to a cave of Adullam where refuge can be found, where the brokenhearted are healed and where their wounds are bandaged (Psalms 147:3).

I was blessed with the company of some brothers and sisters in Christ who are loving others with a love so deep that it's undeniably the love of God. And, through my time with them today, I was able to spend time with some boys I met about eight months ago on the streets of Mbarara. I wish I could explain the inexpressible joy in my heart as a result of spending the day with them.

In very short summary this ministry, Amagara Masya which means “new life”, takes boys and girls off of the streets, rehabilitates , counsels, and educates them, nurtures and disciples them, and works toward reconciliation with their families. By the love and grace of God, Amagara Masya leaders point the boys and girls toward a new life. Could there be a more fitting name for such a transformational ministry? However, I also discovered it was located on a hill in a village outside of Mbarara at a school called Adullam Primary School. I found the connection between the names “Amagara Masya” and “Adullam” significant. New life found in a place of refuge. A place where the love of God is refuge and where it can lead to a new life in Him. 

As the manager of the ministries drove me home at the end of the day, I asked him if I could take a picture of the Adullam school sign. He assured me it was okay, and then told me that before it was broken, they had a bigger sign for the school located right on the top of the hill in the middle of everything. He said, “It was as if it was a symbol of refuge for this entire hill top.”

Lord, I pray for the sustainability of these ministries; for wisdom, rest and encouragement for my Ugandan brothers and sisters leading there; and for continued transformation, reconciliation and love for the children that are so dear to my heart staying at Amagara Masya. 

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